St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery

The world of plastic surgery suffered a true loss late last week with the death of Steve Moshier. Sadly he was killed while assisting another motorist who had been involved in a traffic accident.

Steve was a sales representative for Allergan Medical, focusing mainly on breast implant sales- both cosmetic and reconstructive. But he was so much more than that. He believed and knew what plastic surgery could do for people.   How it could make a woman who had lost a breast to cancer be made “whole” with reconstruction. How a woman who never had any breast shape or size felt so much more confident after augmentation. Steve saw that plastic surgery was much more than just “overdone Hollywood images” and he was not ashamed to admit it. Steve saw plastic surgery as helping patients. It is not surprising that he was helping someone when his life was so suddenly taken away.

Steve could truly light up a room by just walking into it. He brought energy, excitement, and that unique laugh to all around him. Our thoughts at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery Inc. go out to Steve’s family, his friends, and his colleagues.

Herluf Lund Jr., M.D.

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