St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery

Last month, we discussed whether it was easier to make the choice to have a procedure if you worked in the plastic surgery business. After careful consideration, our employee moved on to the next phase of the process, the consultation.

Even for an employee who’s been in the business for years, this part caused a little anxiety. The idea of baring yourself to a surgeon can be daunting even to the most confident of women, especially when the mind is overrun with questions. For someone who works here, dealing with these questions everyday as a professional is one thing, however, sitting on the other side of the desk brings an entirely different emotional standpoint.

Even though I work in the business, I still had questions and concerns about what this would do to MY stomach. For example, I was concerned about how far down the scar would go–after all, my whole point in doing this is to look fabulous in a bikini. I was also wondering about my stomach muscles, and whether or not they would need to be tightened.  If that’s something I might need, it would determine how much time off from work I needed to take. 

The consultation with Dr. Prada completely put my mind at ease. He explained everything in detail, showed me where my scar would be, and afterwards I finally felt like this was the RIGHT thing for me to do. I’ve considered it for many, many years and I was finally ready. Once I made up my mind, I began having laser hair removal treatments along my bikini line, because the procedure can raise your natural hairline as it tightens up loose skin.

Now I’m pumped and can’t wait for the surgery so I can heal and start to look and feel better!


Next: Having surgery.


2 Responses to An Employee’s Tummy Tuck Journey: Time for the Consultation

  • Jen williams says:

    I did laser hair removal AFTER the tummy tuck. Since the area was still a bit numb from the surgery, there was not much discomfort.

    • St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery says:

      That’s so funny, Jen, we were having the discussion in our office yesterday about it! A lot of our spa employees recommend doing it after, like you did, but others of us thought it might feel uncomfortable on the scar!

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