Woman researching breast augmentation results in St. Louis, Missouri


For my breast augmentation patients in suburban St. Louis, Missouri, looking through before-and-after photos is often one of the first steps in the research process. Not only do these photos provide key information about the results you can expect from the procedure, but they also speak volumes about the surgeon performing it. Before-and-after photos are often a major deciding factor when it comes to surgeon selection—so it’s essential to know what you should be looking for.

Here are a few things worth keeping an eye out for as you look through breast augmentation before-and-after photos.


A desire to correct noticeable asymmetry is one of the most common reasons women choose breast augmentation, and this should be reflected in the photos you see. Correcting asymmetrical breasts typically involves carefully selecting differently sized implants. Symmetrical results are an indicator of an attentive and experienced surgeon who customizes each procedure to suit the individual.

A few questions to ask yourself as you browse galleries:

  • Are the breasts and nipples symmetrical?
  • If there was asymmetry present before, has it been corrected?
  • If the breasts were symmetrical before, have they maintained their symmetry?

While there will always be some degree of asymmetry between the breasts, a good surgeon creates results that look symmetrical and balanced.


Most surgeons offer several options for breast augmentation incision placement, including:

  • Periareolar: Along the lower border of the areola, the dark skin surrounding the nipple.
  • Inframammary: In the natural crease between the breast and the chest wall.
  • Transaxillary: Hidden in the natural crease of the armpit.

Excellent before-and-after photos should reflect thoughtful consideration for incision placement and scarring. Red flags for incision sites include poorly healed scars, very discolored scars, or carelessly placed scars.


A great breast augmentation enhances the size of the breasts to a noticeable degree without going overboard. Overly large implants typically aren’t complementary to the patient’s body and can even cause inconveniences such as back pain or difficulty exercising. Great results look proportional to the patient’s frame and are both naturally sized and shaped. Sometimes the best results may be quite subtle—learn more in our previous blog post.

As you look through “after” photos, ask yourself:

  • Do the size and shape of implants chosen suit each patient’s body?
  • Do the results look natural?
  • Has the size been enhanced enough to balance out the body’s proportions?

Keep in mind that patient preference plays a role in implant size selection. Some women want larger, more noticeable results, while some want a completely natural look. In any case, a good surgeon creates results that harmonize with the patient’s body.

Body Types

Is there a variety of body types represented? Does the surgeon show an ability to create attractive results across a diverse group of figures? While a surgeon may be capable of creating great results when treating one particular body type, that doesn’t necessarily demonstrate an ability to deliver equally great results across a range of individual body types. A gallery that showcases a diverse mix of excellent results on various frames and figures is a sign of a skilled surgeon.

Ready to browse? I invite you to start by visiting our breast augmentation before-and-after photo gallery.

If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation here in the St. Louis, Missouri, area, please contact us online or call (636) 530-6161.

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