Before & After
Case Details
This lovely 73-year old woman wanted to address the redundant tissues between her brows at the root of her nose, and the hollowed appearance of her midface/cheeks.
Dr. Sarhaddi performed an endoscopic browlift through small incisions hidden behind her hairline to improve the redundancy of the tissues between her brows. She gave her a refreshed appearance while avoiding a surprised or melancholy look, which is indicative of over-elevated medial eyebrows.
She also performed a lower blepharoplasty and midface/cheek facial fat grafting to swap facial shadows for highlights. Most importantly, this was all done while maintaining the character of this patient's eyes and face. This patient was thrilled with her refreshed appearance!
Procedures Performed
Provider: Dr. Deniz Sarhaddi
About This Patient
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.