St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery

“Do you offer gummy bear implants?”

It’s a question we are commonly asked by women who desire the teardrop-shaped cohesive gel implant, dubbed the “gummy bear” and formally known as the Natrelle® 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled Breast Implant.

For the past 9 years, Drs. Lund, Huffaker and Dr. Bruce White have been using these implants as part of a FDA study with positive results. Last week, the FDA approved the use of them for use in breast reconstruction, augmentation, and revisions. Dr. Lund believes “it’s not the perfect implant for every patient, but if used correctly in the right patient–someone who doesn’t have a lot of loose, stretched tissue–they have great long-standing results. They hold their position in the body very well.”

The Natrelle® 410 implants are designed to mimic the natural slope of the breast, and are filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel, which is intended to enable the implant to hold its shape over time while remaining soft to the touch.

Because our St. Louis plastic surgeons have been using this implant for so long as part of the study, they are very skilled with choosing the right patient and placing the implant correctly in the body, therefore yielding fantastic results.

We are thrilled that this popular implant has gained approval, and please feel free to let us know if you have any question.

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