Let’s start with the first question-why a blog? That’s the question everyone was asking when I first started thinking about doing this-writing a blog about cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery. Many of the people I “bounced” the idea off of told me “It had already been done”, and others said that no one in St. Louis would be interested in a plastic surgery blog. Still, when I discussed it with my “focus group”-my patients-almost everyone of them said they would enjoy a blog that would bring new and interesting issues in plastic surgery and cosmetic medicine to light. I had found that I had already been doing this with my patients during their patient visits to our office. If I had just come back from a meeting or had reviewed an interesting article in one of our plastic surgery journals, I tended to want to share it with my patients. What we were lacking was a means of letting more of our patients in on this new information and that’s were the idea of a St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery Blog came from. I realize that in order to make this fresh and new, this blog would require more than just my voice and ideas and so I have asked my partners to actively participate in the St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery Blog and they have agreed to do so. Also, at times you may see some notes from one of our staff members at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery or from our Medical Spa-St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery Medical Spa. While we may agree on many of the subjects and issues we will cover, you may also find that there will be times that we just don’t quite see “eye to eye.” That’s the advantage of having four board-certified plastic surgeons participating in a blog and I think it is what makes St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery’s Blog just a little different and hopefully fun. So “Welcome! “and let’s begin!

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